Children dig it! Earth Day, tabbed this year on April 22, is an opportunity to celebrate our planet and learn about ways to protect it. You and your family can celebrate Earth Day by diving into nature, learning about the Earth’s importance and discovering ways to conserve it.
Here are some simple tips to help protect our natural world:
- Recycle: Start using bins in your home and teach your family how and where to dispose of each item.
- Buy reusable items: Buy fewer disposable items and start using items like cloth napkins, reusable plates, utensils and cups.
- Shop local: Supporting local businesses decreases pollution from transportation, produces less waste and reduces packing needs.
- Start with small upgrades: Switch from regular light bulbs to LED bulbs that help save money and conserve energy.
- Get thrifty: Find cool thrifted threads for the entire family at a local store instead of buying new clothes. Reusing clothes reduces waste and eliminates waste from packing materials.
- Smart hydration: Try using the reusable straws and water bottles for the entire family instead of buying plastic.
- Shopping adjustments: Keep reusable shopping bags in your car for groceries.
- Take a walk: Bike or stroll the sidewalks instead of using gas-powered vehicles. This is a great way to exercise, breathe in the fresh air and leave less of a carbon footprint.
Celebrate Earth Day by forming new habits that will protect our planet and at the same time, give you and your family time together!
Additional Resources:
- Sesame Street: Murray Visits a Recycling Center
- National Geographic: History of Earth Day
- PBS: 15 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day with Kids
Community events:
Learn Through Play Daily Activities: April
Help children learn through play by using one of the following age-specific monthly calendars that feature daily activities.