Child Nutrition Program
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal meal reimbursement program. In Southwest Ohio and the Miami Valley, 4C for Children administers the child care component of this program for licensed family child care providers and child care centers.
The 4C Child Nutrition Program (CNP) focuses on improving the diets of children under age 13 by providing the children with nutritious, well-balanced meals and helping children develop good eating habits. 4C reimburses every participating provider the full food service rate set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Why should I participate?
There are many benefits to participating in the 4C Child Nutrition Program:
- Improve the health of children in your care by serving nutritious, well-balanced meals
- Family child care programs could potentially receive an average of $560 reimbursement each month
- Child care centers receive reimbursement based on the number of children served
- Direct-deposit payments
- Access easy-to-use online menus and child attendance forms for claiming (KidKare)
- Work with a 4C Specialist who will visit your program three times a year to monitor the meals you serve, answer questions and offer personalized training and support
Who can enroll through 4C for Children?
All licensed family child care providers and child care centers within the 4C service area in Ohio can enroll in the Child Nutrition Program. If you do not meet the criteria to enroll through 4C, you may still be able to participate through another agency. Contact the Ohio Department of Education, Office of Child Nutrition Services at 614-466-2945 for more information.
How do I enroll in CNP?
If you are interested in becoming a Child Nutrition Program participant, please fill out an interest form based on your program type. A 4C CNP Specialist will contact you after reviewing your information.
Select your program type:
- Child care centers: Center enrollment will re-open at a later date.
- Family child care provider interest form
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