Here’s a quick snapshot of the latest resources and information we have today, April 14, 2020.
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Reconnect With Your Families
Two months ago, communicating with the families you serve was easy. You typically saw them on a regular basis as they dropped off or picked up children. You emailed or texted information about children or your business.
But for the last month, we’ve all been adjusting to a new reality in our personal and business lives. This has added stress and uncertainty to our lives. There will be better days ahead. The COVID-19 pandemic won’t last forever and families will come back to your programs.
Until that time comes, take the opportunity to reconnect with your families through regular check-ins. This will help strengthen the relationships and connections that you already have–and give you the chance to see if you can help in any way. They may appreciate hearing from you as they juggle being at home 24/7 with children, working from home, teaching and a variety of other responsibilities.
As an early childhood professional, you can provide resources and support that they will value. And this will also give you a chance to reconnect with the children who are sure to be missing you!
Here’s a couple NAEYC resources that may give you some additional ideas of ways to connect with families and children:
Emergency Meals for Children
USDA Food and Nutrition Service is granting waivers that allow states greater flexibility in allowing parents and/or guardians to pick up meals for children without the student needing to be present. This waiver is effective immediately, and remains in effect through June 30, 2020, or until expiration of the federally declared public health emergency, whichever is earlier. Click here for more information.
Online Mapping Tool to Find Feeding Sites
Parents with children and teens 18 years old and under can use the USDA’s Meals 4 Kids mapping tool to find sites to pick up free nutritious meals and snacks. Simply type in your address and find results.
Pandemic Child Care Licensees
Removal from the Pandemic Child Care List
If you have been approved as a Pandemic Child Care Program and now wish not to provide pandemic care, email a request to ODJFS.
Need Help Navigating?
We know all the changes that are happening can be overwhelming and confusing. You can find additional information on the ODJFS website, at the ODJFS help desk or by calling 1-877-302-2347.
If you cannot reach someone at ODJFS, contact us and we will do our best to get you the information you need:
- Email: coaching
- Southwest Ohio: 513-758-1334
- Miami Valley: 937-220-9660 ext 1334