Even the best planned child care arrangements can be disrupted because of unexpected events. Such an event is taking place now with the public health situation around the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
Identifying a backup child care plan that can be put into action is important in the event a school is temporarily closed or if parents, children or a child care provider is sick.
Here are some tips you might consider to help you prepare a backup plan:
- Ask your provider about their plans in response to COVID-19.
- Confirm sick leave policies and work remote options with your employer.
- Reach out to family and neighbors who may be able to help.
- What days can they assist?
- What hours can they cover?
- How long can they help support you?
- Create a “Get to Know Me” profile for your child.
- Help your backup care provider get to know your child. Provide them with information about your child’s sleep patterns, favorite foods and activities they enjoy. It is also important to include information about any health concerns, such as allergies or asthma. Be sure to make updates to this information as your child grows and their likes/dislikes change.
- Keep documents and contact information handy.
- Create a portable file that you can grab quickly that includes copies of birth certificates, immunization records, family phone numbers/addresses and emergency contacts.
In addition, here’s a resource you can use to help start a conversation with your child about COVID-19.
For the most recent information regarding COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Regional information can be found at the Ohio Department of Health and the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
4C for Children is continuing to plan, prepare and respond as needed based on information provided by local, state and national health agencies. This is a continually evolving situation and we will reach out to you through email communications and post relevant information on our website in the days and weeks to come.