Check out the following opportunities for grants for Montgomery County Child Care Programs.
Montgomery County CARES Act COVID-19 Relief
Montgomery County has allocated $5 million from federal CARES Act funds to help child care programs cover expenses incurred because of the COVID-19 public health emergency (including expenses already incurred as well as anticipated expenses between March 1 and Dec. 30, 2020). Grants of up to $30,000 will be awarded to those who are eligible. Allowable expenses include mortgage or rent and costs for nutritional programs, PPE supplies, and technology. Visit this link for information on eligibility, documents you will need, and more on how to apply for the grant.
Emergency COVID-19 Child Care Tuition Assistance from Montgomery County Preschool Promise
Thanks to the generosity of PNC Grow Up Great, The COVID-19 Response Fund of Greater Dayton, and The Frank M. Tait Foundation, Montgomery County Preschool Promise is offering grants to help compensate programs for lost revenue when a COVID-19 exposure requires a child to be quarantined or a classroom to temporarily close. Even when a program or classroom is closed, programs still have fixed expenses and need to continue to pay their staff. This funding is available for programs serving all ages, not just Preschool-age children, and you do not have to be a Preschool Promise site to apply. Click here to learn more about this grant opportunity or visit the Preschool Promise website here. Please email with questions.