Welcome to our Family Child Care Provider e-news feature that includes resources specifically for family child care providers in the Miami Valley and Southwest Ohio. Stay tuned to receive the latest updates to help support you in your business and your journey to providing quality care for our youngest learners.
The next Family Child Care Connections virtual meeting is on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, from 1-2:30 p.m. The topic for next month is “Healthy Eating Is as Easy as 1,2,3.” Click this Zoom link at the meeting start time to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88208439648?pwd=RDAxVDIxeFR3d0V2K1pPdWxXdk01QT09#success
The goal for these sessions is to support family child care providers in daily interactions with children and families in a relaxed, professional virtual environment.
Here are some action steps to take and some important reminders for your family child care business this month:
Five Ways to Introduce a New Snack
- Peel fresh veggies and keep them in the refridgerator. Pack those healthy snacks with equally healthy low-fat dressing, hummus or Greek yogurt.
- Replace your cookie jar with a bowl of fresh fruit. Keep the bowl on the counter by the door so the kids can grab a healthy snack on their way out.
- Choose prepackaged snack-sized bags of chips, pretzels, and other snacks. The snack-sized bags make it easier to control portions.
- Make your own healthy trail mix with dried fruit, healthy nuts, Package the mix in food storage bags or stash them in the child’s lunchbox.
- Blend fresh fruit juice with Greek yogurt for a healthy smoothie. Keep the smoothie’s in the refrigerator for an anytime snack.
Explore more ways to introduce a new snack by clicking here.
Fun Activity: Eating the Rainbow
Create a rainbow made from fresh fruit and a dip made of yogurt have children dig in! Here’s how the ingredients for this great snack.
Plain yogurt: Use full-fat plain, Greek or vanilla-flavored yogurt. Yogurt is a great source of protein, calcium and vitamin B
Honey: Honey is a wonderful way to add natural sweetness without the need for refined sugar. If you can, use raw or natural honey that is rich in antioxidants. Using honey instead of sugar will help you to avoid those dreaded sugar highs!
Rainbow Fruit: You can use fresh or frozen fruit and you can use whatever fruit you have on hand; it does not have to be the full rainbow of colors for this yogurt bark to work. Here are some options in case you want to go for the full rainbow effect –
- ❤️ RED: strawberries, raspberries, cherries
- 🧡 ORANGE: mandarin oranges
- 💛 YELLOW: mango, pineapple, yellow kiwi
- 💚GREEN: kiwi, grapes
- 💙 BLUE: blueberries
- 💜 PURPLE: blackberries, purple grapes
Arrange the fruit on a platter or cutting board to create the rainbow.
Get the Latest SUTQ Information
Check out the BoldBeginnings website to find the most up-to-date information about Step Up To Quality.
Upcoming Training
- Social Skills:So Important for Children | August 10 | 6-9 p.m. | Cincinnati | FREE
- Essentials of Child Care | August 11 | 6:30-9 p.m. | Dayton | FREE
- Beyond Dolls, Tipis and Kente Cloth: How to Create a Respectful and Culturally Proficient Early Childhood Environment | August 25 | 6:30-9 p.m. | Virtual | FREE
JFS Rule: Did You Know?
5101:2-13-12 (B)What are the safe environment requirements for a licensed family childcare provider? (3) Illegal drugs or substances shall not be on the premises. Alcohol shall be kept inaccessible to children.
Suggestion: keep all alcohol in a high cabinet where children cannot reach or a locked cabinet. Anywhere children cannot have access to alcohol and/ or other substances.