Funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) supports the recovery and stabilization of child care providers across the nation. In Ohio, this money is now available to child care programs in the form of Stabilization Sub-grants. Since these funds are being distributed through grants that means the money does not need to be paid back if it is used according to the guidelines.
All ODJFS licensed programs in good standing and open as of 11/28/21 are eligible to receive Phase 1 funds. A child care program doesn’t need to be SUTQ-rated or provide care for families using publicly funded child care to apply for these Stabilization Sub-grants. Phase 2 funds are also available for eligible programs now, including new programs licensed after Feb 1, 2022.
4C for Children is here to help Miami Valley and Southwest Ohio child care programs understand and access this funding. Our services are 100% free, funded through the State of Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, as well as many generous foundations and individuals across the 15 counties we serve.
We want to help your program receive all the funding you are eligible for. And if you are worried about proving you used the money in the required ways, we’ll share some systems that will help. Curious about how much money you are eligible to request in Phases #1, #2 and #3, click on the link below.
Stabilization Grant Amounts By Program Type
Here are the steps to take to get started. Do them in the ordered listed.
- Check out the Application Guidance Document, Application User Guide and Frequently Asked Questions on OCCRRA’s website.
- Watch this webinar on Phase 1 from 4C for Children, OCCRRA and SWOAEYC
- Watch this webinar on Phase 2 from ODJFS
- Watch this webinar on Reconciliation from 4C for Children, OCCRRA and SWOAEYC
We want to help your program receive all the funding you are eligible for. After exploring the resources on our website, if you still have questions you are invited to join us every Tuesday for a weekly virtual Q&A session or email Amy Belanger directly at
Click on this link at the meeting start time to join our Q&A Zoom Meeting:
If you still need help after the Question & Answer session and have contacted, contact your 4C for Children coach.