Governor Andy Beshear announced yesterday afternoon that by the end of the business day on Friday, Kentucky child care centers must temporarily close to help manage the spread of COVID-19. While children remain at low risk, they can carry the virus and impact other segments of the population.
This is a continuously evolving situation and it’s important to know where to turn for support and information for your personal needs, for the families and children you serve and for your business. Here are some resources:
- Child Care Aware of Kentucky (CCA) is helping navigate closures and providing technical assistance and resources to you and your program to help you know what and how to share information with families, etc.
- CCA’s health and safety coaches are serving level 1 and 2 programs and quality coaches are serving level 3, 4, and 5 programs. All technical assistance is being conducted remotely.
- CCA is working to meet the needs of the state’s child care providers and share information from the Division of Child Care (DCC) through the listserv so watch your inboxes for these communications.
- The most recent information about COVID-19 can be found on the Cabinet for Health and Human Services website.
- The 4C for Children website is also being updated frequently with links to information for families and providers.
Gov. Beshear also announced that the state is preparing plans to offer child care for health care workers but he did not elaborate. CCA will be sharing additional information about emergency child care options as that information becomes available. If you have specific questions or need additional direct support, please reach out to CCA at 800-956-8950.
Thank you for all you do for the children and families in Northern Kentucky. This is a very challenging time. The magnitude of change and uncertainty can take a toll on your personal well-being while you are also supporting the well-being of those around you. Please take care of yourself.
Vanessa Freytag