Today, the future of Step Up To Quality—and helping children get that best possible educational foundation—is at risk. The changes to Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) and other state support for child care in the current version of the State of Ohio Budget will reduce the number of programs able to participate in SUTQ.
The investment in quality child care has changed the game for more than 24,000 children in Southwest Ohio and Miami Valley whose families are receiving state assistance for child care.
Over the past decade since SUTQ was introduced, 4C for Children has worked with hundreds of child care providers to increase their quality ratings, and for many, that journey was not just about meeting a state requirement. It was about helping the children they serve get the best possible start in life.
“It’s about our children…it’s kind of like building a foundation for them early, and the foundation will go with them forever.” Cynthia Douglas, Montgomery County Family Child Care Provider, 5-Star Rated
You can see in these charts the increase in the percentage of children in quality-rated programs was driven by a state mandate that required programs to participate in SUTQ by 2020 (click to enlarge).
It’s vital that Step Up To Quality remain intact and that we continue to recognize child care providers and the essential role they play in supporting our community’s families and workforce.
We need you to act. The children and families in our community need you to act. Click here to send a letter to your state senator and representative saying that you support the SUTQ system and believe the deadlines and requirements for those that serve children receiving state assistance should stay in place.