Thanks for your interest in Ohio’s Shared Services Pilot Project!
What is the Shared Services Pilot Project?
The Shared Services pilot project is a partnership among 4C for Children, county JFS personnel and local organizations.
A small group of child care programs is being selected to test the use of Brightwheel, a child care management software platform. Brightwheel can help child care programs save time and money, reduce stress, increase communication with families and improve tuition collection.
What are the benefits of being a program in the project?
Programs will be a part of a child care network and receive:
- Technology to use Brightwheel such as a laptop and accessories (as needed)
- Paid subscription, training and support to use Brightwheel
- Networking opportunities that includes food, fun and promotional swag
- Professional development to help effectively market your program and create your own website in addition to business and financial training like the Ohio Approved All Our Kin Virtual Family Child Care Business Institute series.
4C for Children will provide:
- Coordination of the provider networks for peer support
- A business coach to provide individual support and assistance
- Technology and tech support for use of the equipment
- Professional development
Will I get training and support on using the technology and using Brightwheel?
Yes! 4C for Children will provide technology support related to the use of your equipment. Brightwheel will provide training, a single point of contact for each provider, an online chat, and a help desk. And you’ll get help with your data entry too.
How are programs chosen to participate in the Shared Services Pilot?
4C for Children sent out a survey to all child care providers in June 2023. A pool of providers was created from those who completed the survey and those who have been recommended by the governance agencies listed below. Child care providers in that pool were invited to participate.
Governance Agencies: Southwest Ohio
- Hamilton County Job and Family Services
- Cincinnati Preschool Promise
- Family Child Care Union: Local 4023/AFSCME Ohio Council 8
Governance Agencies: Miami Valley
- Darke County Job and Family Services
- Montgomery County Job and Family Services
- Shelby County Job and Family Services
- Montgomery County Preschool Promise
What do I need to do to participate?
All participants must have received an invitation to participate in the pilot from a participating partner organization. Please do not share your invitation with your peers.
Participants must also agree to:
- Regularly use Brightwheel
- Share system data with 4C for Children (will be used in aggregate only)
- Participate in coaching and networking opportunities, professional development and future focus groups to provide feedback on Brightwheel and other pilot program benefits.
Important: Please note that neither 4C for Children nor our community partners created the guidelines for programs identified to participate in this project. This project is funded by the State of Ohio. Guidelines were created at the state level and 4C for Children is contracted to carry out the pilot. Therefore, we have no ability to adjust these guidelines.
To sign up or for more information:
Deb Camp | 937-723-2725 |
Don’t wait. Project enrollment will close when seats are full!