Here’s a quick snapshot of the latest resources and information we have today, May 15, 2020.
Child Care Reopening: What We Know
Ohio child care will reopen as of Sunday, May 31. The following documents were released by the state yesterday and give snapshots of what child care providers and families need to know.
- Guidance Document for Reopening Child Care
- What Parents Should Know About Sending Children Back to Child Care
Note especially the ratio changes:
- One child care staff member per four infants with no more than six children in the room.
- One child care staff member per six toddlers with no more than six children in the room.
- One child care staff member per nine preschool children with no more than nine children in the room.
- One child care staff member per nine school-age children with no more than nine children in the room.
The state will also be offering grants to help programs offset restart costs. No new information has been released yet regarding how the grant dollars will be allocated. The funds will be part of $60 million of federal CARES Act dollars.
Over the next two weeks, information will be flowing from the state, which we will pass along to you. That may mean you receive more than one email from us in a day in order to ensure you get the information as quickly as possible. We remain committed to continuing walking with you on this journey.
Call to Action Today: Advocate for Child Care
Earlier this week, we asked you to raise your voice for children, families, and providers. Today we’re urging you to call your representative and urge them to include at least $50 billion in dedicated, flexible funding for child care in the HEROES Act, which could be voted on as early as today.
Even if you already sent a message to your representative, take one minute to pick up the phone and ask for their support. Click here to receive a call-in script along with the phone number for your representative.
Virtual Coaching Session Today
Join us today for the virtual coach Free-4-All Friday session from 1-3 p.m. Share your ideas and thoughts with your peers. Join the group by clicking on this link at 1 p.m.