Read our update for Northern Kentucky Child Care Providers, from May 1, 2020.
CARES Act Funding Details
Kentucky has been awarded more than $67 million to support state child care programs as part of the federal CARES Act financial relief to businesses affected by COVID-19.
The Kentucky Division of Child Care (DCC) has announced that these funds will be directed to providers to help sustain the closures and reopen as part of Gov. Beshear’s phased reopening of Kentucky’s economy. For a snapshot of how these funds will be used, click here.
Funds will be dispersed as soon as all child care providers sign an agreement to comply with the designated uses of the funds in alignment with the federal CARES Act. Official documents will be sent to child care programs through the email address on file with the Division of Child Care and the Division of Regulated Child Care. For more information, here are some FAQs.
4C for Children Virtual Training for May
New 4C for Children virtual training for May has been released. Visit our training page and choose “Northern Kentucky” in the region drop down to see sessions that are available.
For those registered for upcoming training, please keep the following in mind:
- You have to attend to get credit. That means if you do not log into the training at the scheduled start time, you will not receive credit.
- Virtual sessions are live and interactive. There is no recording available after the training is held.
- The number of participants in each training is capped to give participants the best experience and individual attention.
- Please be considerate and let us know if you can’t attend a training that you have registered for so we can fill that spot with another provider who wants to attend. Demand for training is high.
- Training is held using Zoom, a free app you can download here.
- You will receive a meeting link in your email prior to each training so please make sure your email is accurate in the registry.
If you need information about 4C for Children training in Northern Kentucky, please contact 4C for Children staff and we’ll be happy to help in any way we can.
Need Help Navigating?
Here’s some additional state and local resources that may be helpful:
- Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP):
- National Background Check Program:
- Professional Development (Training): or Child Care Aware Kentucky
- MyPre-K
For Limited Duration Center inquires, contact the Division of Regulated Child Care at 502-564-7962 or visit