Read our weekly newsletter for Southwest Ohio and Miami Valley Child Care Providers for the week of August 3, 2020.
Ratios Allowed to Return to Pre-Pandemic Levels This Month
Last week Gov. DeWine announced that child care can return back to pre-pandemic ratios beginning on Aug. 9. He stated that child care programs can choose to continue to implement lower ratios and receive a subsidy or return to pre-pandemic levels. No additional guidance has been shared by ODJFS so far about how the subsidy program will be structured.
Regardless of how you choose to move forward, you are still required to report any COVID-19 cases to ODJFS and the local health department as well as follow health and safety protocols including:
- Required face coverings for all staff and children over 10, unless they have a health exemption;
- Symptom and temperature checks when staff and children arrive;
- Regular hand washing, including upon arrival and before departure;
- Frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces and regular deep cleanings.
Here’s the latest complete health and safety guidelines from the Ohio Department of Health.
You can count on us to share additional information about the subsidy program as it becomes available. Thank you for everything you are doing to support the families and children in our community. You are essential!
Are You Ready to Serve School-Age Children During School Hours?
The start of school – either in person or virtual – is coming! As a result, families may be searching for care for school-age children during school hours. Is this a service your program is interested in offering? If so, check out this guidance document for things you should consider as you think about this opportunity.
Coaching Corner: Mid-Week Meetup Aug. 5
Free virtual coaching sessions for family child care providers and center-based administrators are held each week via Zoom. Make plans to join us and your fellow child care providers!
Wednesday, Aug. 5 | 1-3 p.m. Click here to register.
Learn more about coaching opportunities.
Tune Into Training
Join us for these upcoming free virtual training opportunities.
- Aug. 3: Designing Inviting Math Experiences for Early Learners
- Aug. 3: ELDS Level 1
Virtual CDA Orientation
- Aug. 5: All About CDA: Orientation to the CDA Process -Southwest Ohio
- Aug. 10: All About CDA: Orientation to the CDA Process – Miami Valley
Visit for more!
FDA Warning About Potentially Dangerous Hand Sanitizers
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about hand sanitizer products that are labeled as containing ethanol (also known as ethyl alcohol) but that have tested positive for methanol contamination. Methanol can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested, and can be life-threatening when ingested. Here’s the full FDA news update on hand sanitizers with methanol, including a list of brands of concern. Although people of all ages are at risk for methanol poisoning, young children are particularly vulnerable.
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