Check out these free webinars for child care providers for May 4-8, 2020!
Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect, presented by Montgomery County ADAMHS
Tuesday, May 5 | 1-3 p.m. | Not Ohio Approved
This presentation discusses the various types of child abuse, neglect and dependency concerns of children in the community. The presenter will describe the process of recognizing and reporting to the local Child Protective Services or the Local Police Department. The class will also discuss who is a mandated reporter, what are the guidelines for mandated reporting and what is the process of making a report. Register Here.
Little Scientists – Exploring MATH! with Preschoolers, from National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning
Tuesday, May 5 | 3 p.m. | Not Ohio Approved
Preschool teachers and family child care providers will learn strategies and teaching practices that help all children explore math. Also, explore strategies for using art to encourage math concepts and skills. This webinar will have English and Spanish captioning. Register Here.
No, I’m NOT OK! How early childhood educators can cope during the pandemic, from OAEYC
Tuesday, May 5 | 7:30-8:30 p.m. | Ohio Approved
Fear of the present and fear of the future can paralyze. Add in stress, anxiety, depression, loss and loneliness and you have a recipe that leads to questioning your strength and resiliency. Join Ohio AEYC and Cea Cohen Elliott to start planting the seeds that you will need to begin to navigate our new normal. Register here.
Child and Family Mental Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic, from Groundwork Ohio
Thursday, May 7 | 1-2 p.m. | Ohio Approved
Join Groundwork Ohio and other mental health experts for a special webinar on supporting children and family mental health during the coronavirus pandemic. This webinar is targeted toward parents, caregivers, providers and community members who typically interact with young children and their families and who are seeking guidance and tools for families to support young children during times of community. Register here.
Talking to and Supporting Children and Ourselves During the Pandemic, from NAEYC
Thursday, May 7 | 3-4 p.m. | Not Ohio Approved
Early childhood educators will hear suggestions on how to talk with young children about the recent pandemic to promote their understanding and adjustment, as well as practical advice that can be shared with families on how to support their children’s adjustment and how they can serve as effective models of coping techniques. Adults are impacted at least as much as children, so a focus of the presentation will address professional self-care. Register here.
The Healing Power of Optimism, from OAEYC
Thursday, May 7 | 7:30-8:30 p.m. | Ohio Approved
For professionals working with our most valuable resource, children, optimism is a critical tool and a pathway to healing. This inspiring, interactive conversation with Steve Gross from the Life is Good Playmakers will help individuals discover the power of optimism to create safe, joyful, engaging environments where kids can grow, heal and learn. Register here.