“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” —Chinese Proverb
It is almost that time of year again, “Back-to-School” preparation, excitement and first day jitters! Preparing children for back to school, or transitioning from preschool to kindergarten, includes helping them prepare both mentally and physically for the school year ahead.
Kids may have a tough time making the school transition. To help with a successful transition back to school it is suggested that you pay attention to and discuss with your child sleep schedules, daily routines and nutrition in the weeks leading up to the change. This upcoming school year will present a unique journey, learning the new normal after a pandemic. Read the following resources to help ease into the new school year:
- Consider these strategies for helping with a smooth transition back to school from Child Mind Institute
- If your child has anxiety around returning to school after the pandemic, read these ideas from Cincinnati Children’s
- Connect with your child and talk with them about how they feel about the transition to school using these tips from Joining Forces for Children
Learn Through Play Daily Activities: July
Help children learn through play by using one of the following age-specific monthly calendars that feature daily activities.
- Learn Through Play Calendar: Infant
- Learn Through Play Calendar: Toddler
- Learn Through Play Calendar: Preschool
Need Help With Your Child Care Search?
For your family, planning for back-to-school may include a search for child care. Finding child care options in your area may only be a few clicks away! Watch this brand new step-by-step tutorial to learn how to use 4C for Children’s free Online Child Care Search. Need help? Reach out to our specialists at 800-256-1296 x1330 or families@4cforchildren.org.
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